Ee Von and Ashylne
A look at Ashlyne's homeschooling journey

At Grade 2, Ashlyne has 6 compulsory subjects to complete under the PACE curriculum, including Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Word Building, Literature & English.

Chinese is the only subject not offered under the PACE curriculum. As such, Ee Von spends some 20 minutes every morning coaching Ashlyne on her Mother Tongue.

In her free time, Ashylne attends extra curricular classes, including piano, swimming and ballet classes. Being homeschooled, Ashlyne has the time to pursue her interests.

At Grade 2, Ashlyne has 6 compulsory subjects to complete under the PACE curriculum, including Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Word Building, Literature & English.
Why homeschooling
During the interview with us, Ee Von cited various reasons why she changed her mind about homeschooling and how she perceives this will benefit Ashlyne.
First reason she cited was the flexibility to teach the child whatever he/she wants, at the child's own pace. As such, the child is able to gain a full grasp of the concepts being taught and does not need to compete unncessarily with her peers if she was in mainstream education.
Also, while being homeschooled, Ashlyne learns to be disciplined and independent at a young age. Equipped with her goal chart, Ashylne dutifully completes her assigned tasks for the day and the remaining time is meant for her to pursue her areas of interests. As such, not just academically, but Ashlyne is gradually being developed into a more all-rounded person.
While students hovering around borderline fail/pass are laterally transferred to the next level, homeschooled children will not be given this option. Ee Von is well-aware that teachers do push their students up to the minimum passing grade, if they happen to fall short of it, to allow the child to move on the next level but she does not see the value in doing so. On the other hand, Ashlyne has to master 90% of the packet module before she is allowed to move on to the next one. (Each subject is sub-divided into 12 packet modules.)