
is the child's schoolroom
the parent's heart
Despite having been an alternative to mainstream education all along, homeschooling was never much of a popular choice until in recent years. Traditionally, parents would send their children to schools but with the increasing stress levels and pressure to excel, the number of families adopting homeschooling has seen an increase in recent years. In our attempt to find out more about homeschooling, we’ve interviewed several homeschooling families to see what they have to say about being the minority.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) holds a strict standard for the materials that can be used as a substitute to mainstream curriculum. We’ve listed a couple, which we came to know about after conducting our interviews. One thing to note, however, is that Mandarin is not provided for under the homeschooling curriculum. As such, parents have to take to their own to teach their children. Also, it is not impossible for homeschooled children to attend tuition whenever the homeschoolers deem fit.
We are a group of Year 2 students from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) undertaking Communication Studies at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI). We’ve put up this website for an assignment under the module CS2045 Online Journalism.
We greatly appreciate the families who have opened up about their experience so that we may learn more.